Force in parts of the body:
Dorsal = heading toward the back, top (dorsum = back)
Ventral = toward the direction of the abdomen, bottom (belly = stomach)
Cranial = head toward the front (Cranium = skull)
Caudal = heading towards the tail, the back (cauda = tail)
Anal = anal direction, the back (anus = anus)
Applicable in the head:
Oral = heading towards the mouth, the front (oris = mouth)
Apical = heading toward the summit, top (apex = peak)
Aboral = away from the direction of the mouth, round (nucha = nape)
Nuchal = toward the nape of the neck, backs (nucha = nape)
Rostral = toward the direction of the nose (nasal area)
Applicable at the limb (extremity):
Proximal = approached the body, upward
Distal = away from the body, downward
Dorsal = back of the hand or forefoot
Volar = the back side of hand / foot forward
Palmar side of the back of the hand =
Plantar = rear leg rear side
Ulnar = outer side of the hand / foot forward
Radial = hand in hand / foot forward
Fibular = outer side of hind legs
Tibial = side of the rear leg
Applies to the orientation of the fields on the body:
Lateral = away from the body median plane, outside
Medial = toward median plane of the body, inside, middle
Median = middle area of the body, separating the body into two symmetrical parts
Sagittal = parallel to the median, but outside the area median
Transverse = perpendicular to the median plane, cutting the axis of the body
Horizontal = median plane perpendicular, parallel to the axis of the body
Applies to the orientation of the various directions:
Dexter = right
Sinister = left
External = outer
Intenus = side in
Profundus = away from the surface
Superficialis = close to the surface, beyond
Transverse = transverse
Longitudinalis = elongate, according to the longitudinal axis
Ecto = external (outer layer)
Meso = middle (middle layer)
Endo = inside (plywood inside, inside)
Epi = above (close)
Elves = around, about
He = separator, the spreading (diameter = diameter)
Hypo = below
Hyper = above
Base = base, the base under
Apex = top, top
Margo = edge (marginal = edge)
Various properties of the title:
Magnus = large
Brevis = small
Major / magi = big
Minor / minus = small
Alba = white
Nigra = black
Flava = yellow
Rubra = red
Grisea = gray
Lutea = yellow
Chloros = green
Dorum / Serra = hard
Molle = soft
Supra = above, over the
Infra = below, further down
Various forms / building:
Facies = face, surface
Fovea = curves of the round
Facial = including surface
Fascia = sheets, dressing, muscle membrane
Foramen = hole
Sulcus = groove / groove
Fasciculus = file
Canalis = Channels, pipes
Cavum = cavity
Caverna = cavity (caver-nosus = hollow-cavity)
Caput = head
Condylus = swollen joints
Neck = neck
Spina = thorn
Crista = frame, sharp edges, comb
Sinus = arch, a small cavity, porch
Processus = Taju
Fissures = cracks, torn
Incissura = slices
Dorsal = heading toward the back, top (dorsum = back)
Ventral = toward the direction of the abdomen, bottom (belly = stomach)
Cranial = head toward the front (Cranium = skull)
Caudal = heading towards the tail, the back (cauda = tail)
Anal = anal direction, the back (anus = anus)
Applicable in the head:
Oral = heading towards the mouth, the front (oris = mouth)
Apical = heading toward the summit, top (apex = peak)
Aboral = away from the direction of the mouth, round (nucha = nape)
Nuchal = toward the nape of the neck, backs (nucha = nape)
Rostral = toward the direction of the nose (nasal area)
Applicable at the limb (extremity):
Proximal = approached the body, upward
Distal = away from the body, downward
Dorsal = back of the hand or forefoot
Volar = the back side of hand / foot forward
Palmar side of the back of the hand =
Plantar = rear leg rear side
Ulnar = outer side of the hand / foot forward
Radial = hand in hand / foot forward
Fibular = outer side of hind legs
Tibial = side of the rear leg
Applies to the orientation of the fields on the body:
Lateral = away from the body median plane, outside
Medial = toward median plane of the body, inside, middle
Median = middle area of the body, separating the body into two symmetrical parts
Sagittal = parallel to the median, but outside the area median
Transverse = perpendicular to the median plane, cutting the axis of the body
Horizontal = median plane perpendicular, parallel to the axis of the body
Applies to the orientation of the various directions:
Dexter = right
Sinister = left
External = outer
Intenus = side in
Profundus = away from the surface
Superficialis = close to the surface, beyond
Transverse = transverse
Longitudinalis = elongate, according to the longitudinal axis
Ecto = external (outer layer)
Meso = middle (middle layer)
Endo = inside (plywood inside, inside)
Epi = above (close)
Elves = around, about
He = separator, the spreading (diameter = diameter)
Hypo = below
Hyper = above
Base = base, the base under
Apex = top, top
Margo = edge (marginal = edge)
Various properties of the title:
Magnus = large
Brevis = small
Major / magi = big
Minor / minus = small
Alba = white
Nigra = black
Flava = yellow
Rubra = red
Grisea = gray
Lutea = yellow
Chloros = green
Dorum / Serra = hard
Molle = soft
Supra = above, over the
Infra = below, further down
Various forms / building:
Facies = face, surface
Fovea = curves of the round
Facial = including surface
Fascia = sheets, dressing, muscle membrane
Foramen = hole
Sulcus = groove / groove
Fasciculus = file
Canalis = Channels, pipes
Cavum = cavity
Caverna = cavity (caver-nosus = hollow-cavity)
Caput = head
Condylus = swollen joints
Neck = neck
Spina = thorn
Crista = frame, sharp edges, comb
Sinus = arch, a small cavity, porch
Processus = Taju
Fissures = cracks, torn
Incissura = slices
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