Derived from the Latin, namely:
- Anatomy
1. Ana = parts, separating
2. Tomi (tomie) = Tomneinei = slices, cut
- Physiology
1. Physical (Phisys) = natural or way of working
2. Logos (logy) = science
Anatomy and physiology is the science of learning about the structure or piece of organs in the body and how it works.
A condition where the body was standing upright with the position:
- Limbs (arms and legs) straight down with your palms forward mengadap
- Fingers straight open
- Head facing straight ahead
The term Location / Attitude Anatomy
- Superior = Equity
- Inferior = bottom
- = The front of the anterior
- Posterior = rear
- Internal = Part in
- External = Part out
- The right = The right side
- Sinistra = The left side
- Lateral = side section
- Medial = middle part
- Central = central part
- = Peripheral edges
- Profundus = In
- Superficial = Shallow
- Ascending = section rising
- Descending = section down
- Cranial = Section chief
- Kaudal = Section tail
- Ventral = The front of the vertebrae
- = The rear of the dorsal vertebrae
- Pariental = inner membrane
- Outer membrane of visceral =
- Analyze the transversal = Melintang
- Longitudinal = lies
Movement directions
- Fleksio = bend / fold hinge
- Ekstensio = realigning joints
- Abduksio = movement away from the body
- Abduction = Movement approached the body
- Rotasio = Movement joints rotate
- Sirkumduksio = circular movement or the movement of joint flexion, ekstensio, abduksio and adduksio
Other terms
- Proximally = Approaching the torso
- Distal = away from the torso
- Palmar direction palmar = Go to manus (upper limb)
- = The direction of plantar plantar pedis (lower limb)
- Ulnar = Go towards the ulna (ulna)
- Radial = To the radius (bone lever)
- Toward the tibial = tibial (shin)
- Fibular = Go to the fibula (calf bone)
Water along with the elements in it that is needed for healthy cells called body fluids (60% of body weight), the liquid is partially outside the cell (extra cellular) and partly in the cell (intra cellular).
Body fluids consist of:
- Extra fluid cells: 20%
- Interstitial fluid = 15%
Is the medium in the middle of a living cell, the cell receives salt, food and oxygen and release of all results caira exhaust into it as well.
- Blood plasma = 5%
Is a transport system that serves all of the cells through the extracellular fluid
- Intra fluid cells: 60%
Containing electrolytes, potassium, phosphate and food such as glucose and amino acids.
Work enzymes in the cell is constant breaking and rebuilding, as in all the metabolism to mempertahanklan fluid balance.
Exchange of Fluids in Network
Fluid in the plasma under hydrostatic pressure is greater than the interstitial pressure. Therefore, the liquid fluid tends to exit the capillaries, but no protein in plasm, whereas the interstitial fluid contains little protein. This plasma protein osmotic pressure of trying to remove the liquid sucked into the capillary vessels.
At the end of the capillary arteries, hydrostatic pressure greater than osmotic pressure, then the balance of forces pushing the fluid into the power network. While at the tip of the capillary veins less hydrostatic pressure, osmotic pressure and pulled the handle back into the capillary.Normally fluid leaving the capillaries more than caira which re-entered into it, the excess is channeled through the lymphatics (lymph nodes).
Fluid exchange between intra-and extra-cellular phones are also dependent on osmotic pressure, but the cell membrane has a selective permiabilitas and passed by several substances such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and urea freely, and also pumped into or out of other materials to maintain the concentration difference in the liquid intra-cellular and extra-cellular, for example, is concentrated in the intra-cellular potassium while sodium is pumped out.
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