PROBLEM: After a month of using the Apple iPhone, a mobile user having trouble on the sail touch. All courses (free) that you download it directly from Apples App Stores closed (close) after the start so it can not be used. Initially, the solution to uninstall and reinstall the program through the App Store application can handle, but the long run, the solution is not effective anymore.
Problems with iTunes as a savior for the programs from the Apple App Store a lot that can be overcome through iTunes.
DIAGNOSIS: Users of the iPhone is brought to testlab CHIP. Specialist mobile phone directly from CHIP Xonio Online suspect a problem of DRM: Apple's trying to protect its software as possible so that the resulting conflict. Free software is also protected in the same way and can be problematic.
SOLUTION: After deleting all the programs that exist on the iPhone and download it again free programs, CHIP to synchronize your PC with your iPhone via iTunes. The important thing here is to select the option to synchronize to all programs. During synchronization, there was a fault with the report notes, the user is not entitled to run the program on the PC. Confirm with "OK". Therefore the process is stopped, then the application still does not work in-synchronize. CHIP clicking one of the programs in the media to allow the use of the iTunes library on the PC. After that, the software Apple iTunes asking for a password. Next synchronization efforts succeed without problems. Now, all programs that tar - install again functioning properly.